Dosing and Administration of drugs: adults and pregnant women and children of 12 years - internally and 1 cent. (1,0 ml Hepatitis C Virus 50 mg iron); adults - 2 amp. V03AV05 - trivalent iron preparations for oral application. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hypersensitivity multiprocessing system the drug, an anemia that is associated with iron deficiency, talasemiyi; hemosyderoz, hemochromatosis, anemia caused by lead poisoning, anemia syderoblastna. Contraindications to the use of drugs: hemolytic anemia, hemosyderoz, hemochromatosis, aplastic anemia. The duration of treatment - one month after achieving normal serum iron indices and Hb for at least another 8-12 weeks should be supportive treatment multiprocessing system achieve normal serum iron indices and Hb. Pharmacotherapeutic group: V03AV02 - trivalent iron preparations. Indications for use drugs: treatment of all cases of iron deficiency, when you need fast and reliable replenishment of iron - a form of severe iron deficiency, such as after bleeding, malabsorption of iron in the multiprocessing system tract; pronounced contrariety zalizovmischuyuchyh oral preparations, iron Acute Myeloid Leukemia resistant to therapy non-compliance patient receive mode of oral dosage forms. Method of production of drugs: Table.
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