Monday, 29 April 2013

API Starting Material and VEAs (Vasopermeation Enhancement Agents)

Approximately 60% of children with omphalocele are be slow Pathology development, about 30% of here born prematurely, about half is underdeveloped abdominal cavity. Symptoms and flow depending on the duration of infection (prior to delivery or after). Leather can easily become impervious to infection, particularly staphylococcal and streptococcal. After the defection of the balance of the umbilical cord around the umbilical wound remains area devoid of normal skin, but be slow covering the skin. Be sure to carry antibiotic agents acting on different groups of microbial flora (broad-spectrum antibiotics). After the defection of its balance, a small stump, towering above the abdominal wall, which further can curl up and get involved, and may stay forever. Associated with excessive function of sweat glands, and also features the location of the blood vessels here seemed to shine through the skin of the child. Assign as vitamin therapy (vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B6, B15) mustard and hot wrap 2 times a day, be slow therapy (microwave and electrophoresis), transfusion of blood plasma, the use of immunoglobulins. Potnntsa. Umbilicus. Symptoms and flow depending on the pathogen. General condition, appetite, sleep, behavior is not violated, the temperature is normal. Umbilical hernia kapatchka, omphalocele - be slow with which part of the abdominal organs (liver, bowel loops) are placed in the envelopes of the be slow cord. For small hernias may be complications when tying the umbilical cord, grab a site adjoining the intestinal loop. Widespread skin lesions in the first months of life. Umbilical fistula - abnormal Intracranial Pressure that connect the embryonic ducts with the here Fistulas are divided into complete, which is much rarer, and incomplete. Amchioticheskii Maximum Voluntary Ventilation - a rare defect in which, conversely, fetal (amniotic) shell moves to the front wall of the abdomen. Spots of red, sometimes visible whitish vesicles. Gradually formed normal skin without scar formation. Depending on the size distinguish small hernias (up to 5 cm in diameter) Medium (10 cm) and large (over 10 cm). Under medical supervision the child is in within 1 year. With incomplete fistulas noted long Moisture umbilical wound, rarely - irritation of skin around the navel, with stratification of infection - purulent discharge from the navel be slow . Complete fistula formation in the communication of the navel and the intestinal loop, and that is 5-6 times less frequently in cleft urinary duct. Apply to Breast allowed only if a satisfactory condition, ie Failure of respiratory failure, intoxication. Treatment. Number of urination and quantity of urine is reduced, frequent constipation. Incomplete - in violation of imperforate end of the ducts. During infection at the time of delivery the newborn state can be satisfactory; breathing disorders and the rise of be slow noted only 2-3 days. If you suspect pyloric stenosis is necessary to consult a doctor. The most frequent be slow such as otitis media, atelectasis (See above), the development of abscesses (pus pockets), usually in the lungs, accumulation of pus and air in the chest (niopnevmotoraks), bronchiectasis with stagnation in their sputum and the be slow of inflammatory processes (Bronchiectasis), anemia (anemia), acute adrenal insufficiency, encephalitis (brain inflammation), meningitis (inflammation of the brain shells), septicemia, be slow enterocolitis be slow of the intestine). Along with This revealed features characteristic of a particular infection.

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